KU Leuven (Belgium)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Title: Metrologic characteristics and uncertainty
evaluation of surface texture measurements
Sang-Yoon LEE
INTEKPLUS (South Korea)
Title:Industrial use cases of 3D optical metrology
Eberhard Manske
Technische Universit't Ilmenau
Institute of Process Measurement and
Sensor Technology
Title: Nanopositioning and nanomeasuring
machines with a direct link to the unit of
Kaoru Minoshima
University of Electro-Communications
Department of Engineering Science
Title: Precision measurements beyond frequency
metrology using versatile control of optical
waves with optical frequency comb
Laura Sinclair
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (USA)
Fiber Sources and Applications Group
Title: Pushing the boundaries of ranging and time
transfer through precise control of optical
frequency combs
Liandong Yu
China University of Petroleum (UPC) (China)
College of Control Science and Engineering
Title: Microfluidic sensor on the early diagnostic of
cancer diseases
Peter de Groot
Chief Scientist, Zygo Corporation (USA) Title: Interferometric metrology solutions for digital
optical immersive displays
Han Haitjema
KU Leuven (Belgium)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Title: Metrologic characteristics and uncertainty
evaluation of surface texture measurements
Han Haitjema studied experimental Physics at the Utrecht University, and did his PhD research at the Delft University of Technology on the topic of Tin- and Indium oxide coatings. He joined the Van Swinden Laboratory (the Dutch National metrology Institute) in 1989 as scientific researcher in the ‘Length and Mass’ department. In 1997 he joined the ‘precision engineering ‘group of the Professor Schellekens at the Eindhoven university where he covered the precision metrology field. In 2004 he joined the Mitutoyo Research Center Europe in Best, The Netherlands as director. In 2018 he joined the KU Leuven as professor ‘dimensional and surface metrology of complex products’. He is member of WG 16 ‘ Areal and profile surface texture’, of ISO TC 213. He is fellow of CIRP and AET (International Academy of Engineering and Technology), editor-in-chief of the journal ‘Metrology’, member of the editorial board of Precision Engineering, Sensors, Nanomanufacturing and Nanometrology and the CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. He is member of the board of experts for the Dutch national measurements standards.
Sang-Yoon LEE
INTEKPLUS (South Korea)
Title: Industrial use cases of 3D optical metrology
1986. 3 ~ 1990. 2: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, SNU (Seoul National University)
1990. 3 ~ 1992. 2: Master of Science in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, SNU (Seoul National University), Majoring Kinematics and Robotics
1992. 3 ~ 1993. 2: Research scientist in Robotics, KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
1992. 3 ~ 1997. 8: Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Majoring Precision Engineering and Metrology, Thesis: “Uncertainty evaluation of the digital imaging system for dimensional metrology”
1997. 8 ~ 1999. 10: Research scientist in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
1999.10 ~ : Joined INTEKPLUS as a research engineer
2010. 3 ~ 2015.10 : CTO (Chief Technical Officer) of INTEKPLUS
2015. 10 ~ : CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of INTEKPLUS
Eberhard Manske
Technische Universit't Ilmenau
Institute of Process Measurement and
Sensor Technology
Title: Nanopositioning and nanomeasuring
machines with a direct link to the unit of
Eberhard Manske received the Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Technische Universität Ilmenau in 1982. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1986, and in 2006 the postdoctoral lecturing qualification in the field of precision measurement technology. Since 2008 he holds a professorship “Production and Precision Measurement Technology” at the Technische Universität Ilmenau.
From 2008 to 2013 he was spokesman of the collaborative research centre “Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machines (SFB 622)” and from 2017 till 2021 he leads the research training group “Tip- and laser-based 3D-Nanofabrication in extended macroscopic working areas (NanoFab)” both funded by the German Reseach Council. His research activities are particularly in the development of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines with a focus on high-precision laser interferometry, laser stabilization, frequency comb technology, optical and tactile nano sensors and scanning probe techniques.
Kaoru Minoshima
University of Electro-Communications
Department of Engineering Science Title: Precision measurements beyond frequency
metrology using versatile control of optical
waves with optical frequency comb
Kaoru Minoshima is a vice-President and a Professor at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan. She received her Ph.D. degrees from the University of Tokyo in 1993, and had worked at the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) until 2013. She became a Professor at UEC since 2013, and also the research director of ERATO MINOSHIMA Intelligent Optical Synthesizer (IOS) Project, supported by JST (2013-2020). She was also visiting at the University of Bordeaux I (1996), and MIT (2000-2001). Her areas of research are ultrafast optical science and technology, optical metrology, time-resolved imaging, spectroscopy, and frequency combs. She received several awards including 2019 MIT Hermann Anton Haus Lecturer, Commendation for Science and Technology by the MEXT of Japan, and Optical Engineering Awards from the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP). She is a Fellow of the Optica (former OSA) and JSAP. She has served as the CLEO Subcommittee Chair (2004-2005), where she built a new subcommittee for Optical Metrology, Program Co-Chair (2009), and General Co-Chair (2011). She is a vice-President of the International Commission for Optics (ICO), member of the Science Council of Japan, director of Laser Society of Japan (LSJ), and Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP, 2019-2021).
Laura Sinclair
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (USA)
Fiber Sources and Applications Group Title: Pushing the boundaries of ranging and time
transfer through precise control of optical
frequency combs
Dr. Laura Sinclair is a physicist in the Fiber Sources and Applications Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado. She focuses on the development of optical frequency combs and their wide-ranging applications. Recently, she has been particularly interested in the use of frequency combs for both ultra-precise time transfer and ranging over open air paths. Dr. Sinclair serves as the technical lead of a team that is currently able to achieve nearly quantum-limited comb-based timing and ranging and is using this approach to synchronize clocks over 100’s kilometers of turbulent air to within femtoseconds.
Liandong Yu
China University of Petroleum (UPC) (China)
College of Control Science and Engineering Title: Microfluidic sensor on the early diagnostic of
cancer diseases
Liandong Yu received the Ph.D. degree from the Hefei University of Technology (HFUT), Hefei, China, in 2003. From 2001 to 2002, as a guest scientist he was invited by Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt in Germany. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Visiting Researcher at University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia. In December 2003, he started his carrier as a scholar by joining HFUT, where he conducted undergraduate teaching and postgraduate supervising in the field of precision engineering and optical metrology. From 2011 to 2020, he was appointed Dean of the School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, HFUT. Since June 2020, he has been introduced to the China University of Petroleum as a full-time professor and appointed as the dean of the College of Control Science and Engineering. He is currently managing the Laboratory of Precision Measurement and Intelligent Sensing Technology and promoting the development of the college in emerging fields such as optical precision measurement, micro-system, and intelligent sensing technology.
His professional interests include precision engineering, optical measurement, and microfluidics with specialty in precise optical-mechanics instruments for 3D geometric measurement and microfluidic sensors for biomedical applications. During the last two decades, he has published ~120 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals and ~80 patents. He has been working as a principal investigator for numerous international, national, and industrial research projects. He is currently the executive manager of the Chinese Society for Measurement (CSM) and is a member of ICMI (The International Committee on Measurements and Instrumentation), SPIE (International Society of Optical Engineering), and CIS (China Instrument and Control Society).
Peter de Groot
Doctor Chief Scientist, Zygo Corporation (USA) Title: Interferometric metrology solutions for digital
optical immersive displays
Chief Scientist at Zygo Corporation, is fascinated by interference fringes and their practical use for measuring things. Educated first in History then in experimental Physics at the Universities of Utah, Grenoble, Maine, and Connecticut, he enjoys discovering the hidden links between academic and applied research that fuel inventions and creative solutions in science and industry. His research has led to 140 US patents for optical instruments and 220 technical papers and book chapters. An experienced educator, he has taught physics in Africa, professional development courses at scientific conferences, and advanced topics at universities and technical institutes worldwide. Dr. de Groot is also the 2023 Vice President of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.
ISMTII2023 Secretariat:
Prof. Young-Jin Kim, KAIST
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